The Winshill Village Home Learning Showcase
(Click any image in the showcase to see it full-size)
“Unicorn Silhouette”
by Lillie (Year 3)
“Lillie has drawn a unicorn silhouette in a colourful night’s sky”
“Dragon Head”
by Lucas (Year 6)
“Jessica’s eyes”
by Jessica (year 4)
“Jessica has been practising real life drawing. Today she was practicing eyes!”
“Ruby’s picture”
by Ruby (Year 3)
“This was painted using water colour”
“Layla’s #DrawWithRob Cartoon Characters”
by Layla (Year 6)
“Layla has really enjoyed doing the cartoon video tutorials with Rob Biddulph”
“Charlie's Rainbow”
by Charlie (Reception)
“Stay Safe”
by Oscar (Year 4)
“Home Learning”
with Rex (Nursery), Seren Grace (Year 2), and Noah (Year 4)
Seren Grace’s work on her family!
Noah’s book review!
Rex practising his handwriting!
Seren Grace and Noah have also written a letter to some elderly people at a care home in Manchester to cheer them up!
Click the photos to see more detail.
“Stay Safe”
by Logan (Reception) and Matthew (Year 4)
“Chase the Rainbow” campaign
by Darcey (Year 4), Eden (Year 2) and Brody (Nursery)
“The children have joined the ‘Chase the Rainbow’ campaign.
We are sharing rainbows in our front window. The rainbows give hope and help children connect with the community in a safe way”
by Piran (Year 4)
“An illustration created using one of the #DrawWithRob video tutorials.
Piran thought that it looked as if there was steam coming from his character’s spines … so he added a kettle to make the Kettle-o-saurus”