Friday 4th February - Update
Today is … Number Day
Today is Number Day across JTMAT. All the children are taking part in a range of number activities - Code Breakers, TT Rockstar Competition, Researching famous Mathematicians, devising Maths board games etc. They are having a fantastic day, and so far Winshill Village are doing incredibly well in the JTMAT wide TT Rockstar competition - well done! Here are some photos of the range of activities completed this morning.
Big News for Reception!
The Reception children have now ‘graduated’ to the big playground with all the other children. It has been lovely to see Reception playing with the older children, and it has been great to see our older children showing care and thoughtfulness, looking after and playing with the little ones. One of the strengths of our school community, is how all the children play together and don’t just to stick to their own year group. This has been missing since bubbles, but now we can continue to encourage all the children to play together again, which makes for a lovely atmosphere in school. We are very proud of all the children!
Safer Internet Day - Tuesday 8th February
On 8th February, it is Safer Internet Day and the theme this year is ‘All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online’.
Below are some online websites that parents can access that offer good advice on how to ensure children use the internet safely:
In school, we will be completing a range of activities to support the children in making good decisions about using the internet.
Of course, keeping the children safe online at home remains the responsibility of parents.
Children’s Mental Health Week - Monday 7th - Friday 11th February
Children's Mental Health Week is taking place next week. This year's theme is Growing Together.
We will be encouraging children (and adults) to consider how they have grown, and how they can help others to grow, both physically and mentally.
Please follow the link for some activities you could complete at home.
Children's Mental Health Week (
Library Visit for Years 3 and 4
We are planning on taking Years 3 and 4 to Burton Library for a visit. The children will be participating in a session called ‘A Year by the Nile’. The session will include the children researching and finding out about the River Nile in the development of Ancient Egypt’s economy. The children will also make snap-on bracelets with motifs inspired by the natural world centred on the river.
The trip will take place at the following times:
Year 3 - Tuesday 15th February (10am to 11:20am)
Year 4 - Thursday 17th February (10am to 11:20am)
Parents of Year 3 and 4 children, will receive a text next week. Parents should reply to this text giving permission (or not) for your child to attend.
Dates for your diary
Half Term:
School breaks up for half term on Friday 18th February.
We finish at normal time - 3:15/3:20pm
The new half term starts on Monday 28th February.
Parents Evening:
Parents Consultation Meetings will take place on Tuesday 1st March and Wednesday 2nd March.
Again, there will be a choice of either a phone call or attending a face to face meeting.
Look out for a letter next week for more information.
Communication with School
In school, with the children, we focus on two key words: RESPECT and KINDNESS. We teach the children what these words mean and how important they are. We discuss with the children what respect and kindness looks like, and how it impacts on what we say and what we do. We talk about how it makes you feel, when there is no respect or kindness.
There are lots of ways parents can get in touch with school; phone, email, text messaging, in person and we try our hardest to be as accessible as possible. We might not be able to return your phone call or email straight away, but we endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible.
It is important that we work together to rectify any mistakes we may have made or solve any problems that may have arisen. We all want the same thing - the best for your children. By showing respect and kindness to each other, will ensure that any issues can be quickly resolved.
Many thanks for your support in this matter.
Stay well, stay safe. And let’s all stay kind.
Miss Goodson