Year 2 Topic and Story time Home Learning - 08.02.2021 - 12.02.2021
Hello Year 2,
I hope you have had a lovely weekend. It was great to speak to you last week and hear all about your learning at home. I cannot wait to see you on our class zoom this week. This is on Thursday morning at 11am.
Below is your topic learning for this week. We are continuing to read Gangsta Granny by David Walliams so you can find the next 5 chapters under story time for each day. Have a go at each lesson and remember to send photos of your work to me using my email address on the class page. I will be expecting at least one email from you per week so that I can see your amazing work.
Please remember that any worksheets do not need to be printed, they are there to support and guide you and you can have a go at these activities on a piece of paper at home.
Following on from Children’s Mental Health Week, we have a wellbeing challenge. Watch the video below and let me know how you get on.
This week we are going to be creating our silhouette to go onto the top of the background we created last week. You will need some dark coloured paper or white paper and a dark coloured felt tip, pencil crayon or wax crayon. You need to draw a continuous outline using some of the London landmarks that you practiced drawing 2 weeks ago. Think about which ones you found easiest to draw and which will look most effective in the skyline silhouette. Once you have drawn your outline cut along the line you have created and then stick it onto the top of your background from last week.
If you are using white paper remember to colour the whole of your silhouette in black or the darkest colour you have.
Refer to the pictures below that show you what you are aiming for your finished artwork to look like.
Once you have finished your art work I would like you to reflect on the work you have created. Think about what you have done well, try to use the language we have learnt (blend, warm colours, continuous line, sketch) to support you with this. You also need to think about what you might change or do differently next time, maybe it would be to take more time when blending the colours in the background or maybe it would be to have spent more time practicing your sketching of London landmarks to support your final piece.
Story time
Chapter 16 - ‘N’ ‘O’ spells ‘NO’
Today we will be thinking about putting events into chronological order on a timeline using accurate historical dates. Watch the video below to look at the key events from the great fire of London.
If you would like to read the information then it can be found here.
I would like you to now create your own historical timeline to show the order of events as they unfolded. You will need to include dates, drawings and sentences to explain the order of the different events.
Jewish people have to follow a lot of different rules. I would like you to think about anywhere that you go that there are rules, maybe at home, school, any sports clubs etc.
I would like you to write down a list of rules that you have to follow at these different places. Think about why these rules are important. I would then like to think about the consequences (what will happen) if you do not follow these rules, this may be different dependent on the place these rules are for.
Today I would like you to think about our school rules. Are there any rules you do not agree with or any that are not there that you think we should have? I would like you to create a poster to share with the rest of the class about what rules you think we should have in the classroom. These rules need to be fair for everyone
Story time
Chapter 17 - Planning the Heist
This week in PE I would like you to have a go at these 2 indoor workouts. Remember moving our boy helps to keep us strong and healthy.
This week in music I would like you to listen to the recording of No place like again. You are going to be thinking about how you could write a story about the sound that you hear within the piece of music.
Write down all of the sounds you hear. Think about what how your story could start. I could hear the children saying ‘pizza’ and I heard a siren so I am going to use these to help me in my story. This is how I would start my story.
It was a dark night and two police women were called to the pizza restaurant.
I have talked about it being a dark night so I am also going to think about what else might be about such as an owl hooting or a cat meowing.
I would like you to write at least 5 sentences that are coherent (link together and flow) to make a story about the piece of music you have listened to. You could use my sentence to start you off.
Story time
Chapter 18 - Visiting Hours
Today we will be completing some phonics on zoom. We will be recapping on what has been learnt so far this term. Like last time, I would like you to have a piece of work that you are proud of to share with the rest of the class. You will also need a piece of paper and a pencil.
In today’s science lesson we will be learning about beach habitats. Click on the video below to start your lesson.
Story time
Chapter 19 - A small explosive device
Today we are going to be thinking about the difference between things we NEED and things we WANT.
Have a look at the pictures below and sort them into things we need and things we might want.
Fruit and Vegetables
I would now like you to think about your own items. Can you make a list of things you want and a list of things you think you need.
It is important that we know the difference between needs and wants as sometimes we only have a certain amount of money and we will not be able to buy everything that we want to. Sometimes we will need to save money to be able to afford to buy the things that we want.
Story time
Chapter 20 - Boom boom boom