Year 2 Learning Gallery 2

Ayaan has been working hard at using pictorial representations to help solve different mathematical equations. Well done Ayaan.

Emelie has been working really hard in maths this week and has looked at the position of different items in relation to others. She has also completed teh mystery of the missing trophy challenge, successfully working out who the thief was. Well done Emelie!

Brooklyn has been working hard on her number bonds to 20.

Wyllow has been working really hard so far this week. She has completed The big turnip comprehension and has been looking at our work on shape. She has been looking at the properties of 2D shapes, shape patterns and using directions to find different objects on a map. Keep up the hard work Wyllow!

Brooklyn has drawn a lovely picture of her and Ophelia.

Hayden has been working really hard again and has completed lots of maths and phonics work. He has been working hard on keeping his writing on the line, well done Hayden! I love the picture of you completing your PE dances this week!

Ophelia worked incredibly hard this week. She has completed all of her phonics, English and Maths work, as well as creating her background ready for her final art work next week. I love the description you have included in your diary entry Ophelia!

Ruby has been working extremely hard this week. She has pretended to be Boxton the rat and written a brilliant diary entry about his adventures. She has completed lots of lovely maths work on shape as well as completing all of the starter activities practicing her arithmetic skills. Keep up the great work Ruby!

Emelie has continued to keep busy this week and has written a brilliant diary entry for Boxton the rat. She has completed the subtraction word problems and created her own creature using a pentagon to start her drawing. Keep working hard Emelie!

Joshua has done lots of work on telling the time this week and has been practicing to count money. He has also been practicing his 2, 5 and 10 times tables. Keep up the good work Joshua!

Emelie has had great fun completing her shape work this week. She completed a shape hunt around her house to find a range of 3D shapes. Emelie has also baked a delicious looking Biscoff cake. I hope it tastes as yummy as it looks!

The children in school really enjoyed the Severn Trent workshop about the journey of water. The talk was very informative and the children have enjoyed discussing what they have learnt since.