Nursery Home Learning- 18th January 2021 to 22nd January 2021
Hello everyone!
We hope that you are all well and have been keeping busy. It has been very strange not having you all at Nursery but we think about you often. We would love you to send some photos of what you have been up to so that we can share them with your friends. Grown-ups, you can email them to me at
At school, we have been busy learning some nursery rhymes including Miss Polly had a Dolly, Incy Wincy Spider and The Wheels on the Bus. Have you been practising at home? Which one did you enjoy the most?
Last week, we walked around our forest area looking for spiders webs. We found some on the fence and in the corners of the shed. Did you find any spiders?
This week we are going to be learning two new nursery rhymes: The Grand Old Duke of York and Humpty Dumpty.
The Grand Old Duke of York
Play the drum- Use saucepans, wooden spoons, mixing bowls and everday objects to create your own set of drums. Experiment with the sounds that you can make. Can you make loud sounds, soft sounds, fast sounds and slow sounds? March around the room, house or garden. Can you march up and down just like the Grand old Duke of York?
Make large patterns- For early mark making skills, why not start moving your arms up and down? Which hand to you find easier to use? Extend this activity by using crayons, chalks or pencils with rolls of old wall paper or other scraps of paper you may have to create lines. Can you make other patterns. See example.
Learn to march- Can you learn to march like the Grand Old Duke of York? Keep those knees up! What changes are happening to your body? Can you feel your heart beating faster? Are you getting warmer? Are you breathing heavier? Exercise is good for you! A little bit every day will help you to keep healthy and feel good. Count your steps as you march!
Build a castle- Can you build a castle for the Grand Old Duke of York? You could find an large old box and create a castle to play in or a smaller one for any little figures that you have. Use any construction toys such as Duplo or Lego or anything else that you can find at home. Why not send a photo to the Nursery Gallery?
Practise dressing yourself- Choose one item of clothing, it could be a t-shirt, pants or coat, to practise putting on and off this week. Can you do it all by yourself? Pick one to practise this week and a different one next week. If you can already put on your clothes, can you learn to do the zips and the buttons?
Look at the pattern of the bricks in a brick wall
Humpty Dumpty
Build a wall for Humpty Dumpty to sit on- Look at the pattern of a wall. The bricks are in this pattern to make it stronger. Use any Lego, Duplo or other construction materials to help you.
Make a wall rubbing- Use a piece of paper and a crayon to make a wall rubbing. Find a brick wall like the picture above. Put the paper on the wall and rub the crayon over the paper. It works better if you use the side of a crayon. Talk about the pattern of the bricks, how they look and how they feel. Are they rough or smooth?
Decorate an egg- Ask an adult to hard boil an egg. Use felt tip pens, or glue and paper, to decorate your egg. Can you draw two eyes, a nose and a mouth? Is your egg happy or sad? Can you draw a mouth telling us how it is feeling?
Make a shaker- Put some rice into a plastic bottle and screw the lid on tightly. Use it as a shaker. Can you make loud sounds? Can you make soft sounds? Can you get faster, then slower? Can you use the shaker as you are marching around?
Look at a book- Look at a book with an adult or older sibling. Can you talk about what is happening in the pictures? Can you point to the words on the pages? Ask a grown-up to read them to you.
If you would like to learn some more nursery rhymes, with actions, here is another video for you to watch and join in with! Have fun!
In Nursery we are working on phase 1 phonics. This includes listening skills, rhyming words, alliteration (words that start with the same sound) and identifying everyday sounds. The following games and activities are designed to develop these skills and can be done throughout the day, at any time. This week we are going to concentrate on identifying everyday sounds.
What’s behind the door?- Can you guess which animals are behind the door? You will need to listen carefully!
Welcome to the zoo- Listen to the sound and match to the picture.
TwinklGo is also free and has some good, interactive games- This week try Level 1 Phonics The Garden Environmental Sounds Game. See below to find out how to play.
Maths- Little Stars
This week in maths we will be looking at describing a route. This could be one room in your house to another. Encourage your child to think about where they are going and how they will get there. Use words such as forwards, turn, next to, behind, continue, in front of. Talk about it together and encourage older siblings or other family members in the house to do the same.
Maths- Little Winners
Talk to your child about where Humpty Dumpty is. Use words like on top of, next to, behind, in front of.
Continue using these words in other play including describing where a teddy is, where their toy cars are and using any small world toys that you may have.
Stay Active
With lockdown and the bad weather we know how hard it is to stay active, but we also know how important it is for our children. On rainy days in school, we use some of the video links below for the children to join in with. They have great fun and get to burn off some of that excess energy. Why not give it a try!
Story Time
Children love stories and they are great for all children from a young age. Try and spend a few minutes every day reading to you child. If you don’t have any books, please get in touch or use the videos below.
On Monday we will also add a video of what we have put out in the classroom, to give you some more ideas of activities that you could do at home.
We hope that you have a good week. Stay safe and don’t forget to get in touch via email if you have any questions.
Winshill Village Nursery Team