Welcome to Year 5!

Hi everyone!

I hope you are all safe and well, and ready for the new term. My first week at Winshill has been amazing and that is all down to my fabulous Year 5 class. What a warm welcome they have given me!

We have got a great year planned ahead which starts with us looking back in History at the Victorian tines. Our learning will be based around the text Oliver Twist. During the topic, Year 5 will be modernising a Victorian invention, playing Victorian games, composing Victorian music and recreating Victorian art.

I would just like to share a few important points:

  • Year 5’s PE days are on Monday and Friday. On these days the children can come to school in their PE kit.

  • The reading race is continuing so just a reminder that two reads can be recorded daily and signed with a parents initial.

  • We are encouraging the children to access TTRS where possible at home – their log ons are stuck into their reading diaries.

  • Spellings will be sent home on a Friday along with an activity.

  • Finally, just a reminder that water bottles should be bought into school daily.

I look forward to meeting you all soon.

Year 5Lydia Gallagher