Year 5 Home learning - Week beginning 18-05-20
Hello to my lovely Year 5 class. I am missing you all terribly and am looking forward to the day we are all back at school together. I hope you have all had a great week and have been keeping yourselves busy. When I have spoken to some of you on the phone over the past couple of weeks, I have been so proud of how positive you are all being. It is amazing to hear about all the fantastic things you have been getting up and I am so impressed with how many of you are completing learning tasks at home.
It has been lovely to receive messages from some of you over the past couple of weeks. A few of you have mentioned how excited you are about returning to school (which is excellent) but have also shared that you are nervous to. It is normal to feel nervous about coming back to school with everything that has happened but I can assure you that when we do come back, every member of staff at Winshill Village will be there to support you. Erin, well done for unscrambling the anagram I set and identifying that I had missed a letter! I was not to try to catch you out, I think I need to proof read my writing more carefully! Remember if you have any questions, worries or just want to let me know what you have been up to, you can send me a message through the school website.
Once again, I am so impressed by the learning I can see taking place through the Homelearning Showcase. Erin, it’s fantastic that you celebrated VE day and I have to say those scones looked delicious! Jenna, I thought your telephone was amazing! You should be so proud of yourself. Kaden, that rainbow looks fantastic, I hope you enjoyed the experiment. Alexia, you should be so proud of your parachute! It’s amazing, well done! Henley, your Lego Space Shuttle is incredible, great job. Maja, where do I start? I can see you have been extremely busy! Your phone is fantastic, I would definitely buy one! I love that you have written instructions alongside it and your diary entry is brilliant. You have also done a fantastic job with the reading challenges, you should be really proud of yourself. Remember, you can share what you have been up to at home with me through the Homelearning Showcase.
I have now uploaded Chapter 9 of Journey to the Centre of the Earth. You can access the video through our Reading and Storytime page or go directly to our Youtube Channel. We have also uploaded a little video message from the staff to the children to show them how much we are missing them.
Below are your homelearning activities for this week. Please remember that they are optional and there are lots of other options for homelearning tasks available on the Year 5 class page. I have also decided to start putting together mark schemes, so that if you are completing my homelearning challenges, you can mark your work if you want to.
Here are the mark schemes for last weeks challenges on the Year 5 Blog - Week beginning 11-05-20.
Reading Answers - I have attached the next few pages of ‘World’s Worst Teachers’. You need to read the pages to find out Mr Phobe’s fear!
Here are this weeks learning activities.
Reading challenge
Your reading challenge this week is to design a booktube review for a book of your choice. I will attach an example and a template for you. You don’t need to print the booktube review template as you could draw it out on a piece of paper. Remember your booktube review must include the following:
Author of the review (you)
Your thoughts and feelings regarding the book
The name and author of the book
Year 5 Booktube example 18.05.20
Year 5 Booktube template 18.05.20
French Challenge
For your French challenge this week, I would like you to match the French food words to the English words.
Extra challenge: Can you write down the names of your favourite foods and drinks in French and draw pictures to match what you have written?
Maths Challenges
Challenge 1: Word problems
Read the word problems carefully so you know which operation to use. Remember there are 4 operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Challenge 2: Missing number addition and multiplication problems
Your second challenge this week is to solve some missing number addition and multiplication problems. Remember, we can always use the inverse when solving a missing number addition or multiplication problem because we always have the bigger number. There are some examples below if you would like some support.
1. 456 + ? = 908
2. ? + 5,678 = 10,987
3. 4.5 + ? = 9.7
4. ? + 23,567 = 87,654
5. 9,087 + ? = 13,256
6. ? + 478 = 9,875
7. 1.34 + ? = 8.97
8. ? + 23,451 = 54,890
9. 243 + ? = 678
10. ? + 9.2 = 15.4
11. ? x 7 = 28
12. 8 x ? = 768
13. ? x 6 = 108
14. 3 x ? = 156
15. ? x 4 = 348
16. 7 x ? = 336
17. ? x 9 = 234
18. 4 x ? = 44
19. ? x 5 = 120
20. 2 x ? = 192
Challenge 3: Do you agree or disagree with Richard?
Spelling challenge
Spelling focus: cious or tious
Spelling activity: spelling frame
This week, for your spelling challenge I would like you to complete one of the following activities based on words ending in cious or tious.
To access the activities, you need to click on Spelling Tiles. You will then see that there are 5 activities to choose from. You may only complete 1 activity or you may choose to complete more. Once you have done your activity, I would like you to have a go at the practice test. To access the practice test, you will need to click on Practice/test.
As far as I am aware, you don’t need an account to access the activities and practice test.
Handwriting Challenge
Joining the letters w and o
Can you copy the joining of w and o in your neatest handwriting?
Extra challenge: Can you write 5 of your own sentences using your handwriting words from this week?
English Challenges
Challenge 1: Past and Present tense
Your first challenge this week is to identify present tense verbs and rewrite them as past tense verbs. You also need to write some of your own present and past tense sentences.
Year 5 Present and Past Tense 18.05.20
Challenge 2: Practicing use of commas
Your second challenge this week is to practice using commas. You need to identify sentences where commas have been use correctly, correct incorrect sentences, add commas to sentences and match main clauses to conjunctions.
Year 5 Comma practice 18.05.20
Challenge 3: Character description
Your third challenge this week is to write a character description. It is your choice who you would like to base your character description on. It might be someone from your favourite book or could be a character from a film. You can use some amazing adjectives when writing a character description; you could use to help you find synonyms for the adjectives you use in your writing. Remember to describe the following when writing your character description:
The characters appearance (what they look like)
Their background and past
Their actions, thoughts and feelings
Their personality
How they speak
How they move
If you would like some examples of character descriptions, click on the link below.
Year 5 Character description examples 18.05.20
Health and Wellbeing challenge
Your health and wellbeing challenge this week is to think about acts of kindness. I have attached a list of examples of acts of kindness to the blog. I would like you to have a go at completing 5 by the end of the week. If you complete more that is fantastic! Make a note of the acts you complete and we can share them with each other when we are back at school.
Year 5 acts of kindness 18.05.20
Stay safe, stay positive and keep smiling.
Miss Twigger